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Blackblade Ruby

(a.k.a. Amii)

Blackblade Ruby (Amii) CR: 11

Medium humanoid, lawful evil
Armor Class: 14 (Gleaming Studded Leather)
Hit Points: 115 (14D8+42)
Speed: 30 ft


13 +1


14 +2


16 +3


16 +3


13 +1


20 +5

Saving Throws: Wisdom +6, Charisma +10
Skills: Deception +10, Insight +6, Intimidation +10, Persuasion +10
Damage Resistances: Fire; Fiendish Resistance (see special abilities)
Senses: Darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 11
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Ignan and Infernal
Challenge Rating: 11

Spellcasting. Amii is a 14th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). He regains his expended spell slots when he finishes a short or long rest. He knows the following warlock spells:

  • Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast (see actions), guidance, green-flame blade, mage hand, mind sliver, ray of frost, shillelagh (see actions), thaumaturgy.
  • 1st-5th level (Three 5th-level slots): invisibility, scorching ray, suggestion, counterspell, dispel magic, fireball, banishment, summon greater demon, wall of fire, far step, scrying, teleportation circle.
Innate Spellcasting. Amii's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. He can innately cast the following spells (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks):
  • At Will: disguise self, sending (see far scribe).
  • 1/Day each: armour of agathas (at 2nd-level), darkness, mental prison, forcecage.
Ritual Spellcasting. Amii's ritual spellcasting ability is Charisma. He can cast the following spells as rituals only (spell save DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks):
  • At Will: alarm, comprehend languages, detect magic, identify, illusory script, silence, phantom steed, commune, rary's telepathic bond, drawmij's instant summonings, forbiddance.
The Ruby Rod. Using the Amii may use The Ruby Rod to cast the following spells (spell save DC 15):
  • 1/Day: cone of cold, lightning bolt (choose either lightning or acid damage).
Asmodeus' Devotee (5/Day). Amii can cast Command using this trait. Charisma is the spellcasting ability for this spell.   Asmodeus' Votary (1/Day). Amii can cast Detect Thoughts with this trait, requiring no verbal, somatic and material components. When he does, his eyes flair like fire. Intelligence is the spellcasting ability for this spell.

Special Equipment. Amii wears a Cloak of Displacement, Gleaming Studded Leather Armour, and carries his Book of Shadows and The Ruby Rod (Awakened).   Asmodeus' Votary. Amii has advantage on saving throws against being charmed.   Aspect of the Moon. Amii no longer need to sleep and can’t be forced to sleep by any means. To gain the benefits of a long rest, he can spend all 8 hours doing light activity, such as reading his Book of Shadows and keeping watch.   Cloak of Displacement. Creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against Amii. If he take damages, this property ceases to function until the start of his next turn. This property is suppressed while he is incapacitated, restrained, or otherwise unable to move.   Dark One's Blessing. When Amii reduces a creature to 0 hit points, he gains 19 temporary hit points.   Dark One's Own Luck (Recharges on a Short Rest). When Amii makes an ability check or saving throw, he can add 1D10 to the roll. He can do so after seeing the initial roll but before any of the roll's effects occur.   Eldritch Mind. Amii has advantage on Constitution saving throws made to maintain concentration on spells.   Far Scribe. A creature can use its action to write its name into Amii's Book of Shadows, which can contain up to 5 names written in this way. Amii can cast the Sending spell, targeting a creature whose name is in the book this way, without using a spell slot and without using material components. To do so, you must write the message on the page. The target hears the message in their mind, and if the target replies, their message appears on the page, rather than in your mind. The writing disappears after 1 minute. The current names in the book are:

  • Dread Lord Vadania Ostoroth
  • Deathstriker Hawk
  • Deathstriker Darts
  • Blackblade Hex
  • 'Empty Page'
As an action, Amii can magically erase a name on the page by touching it.   Fiendish Resilience. When Amii finishes a short or long rest, he gains resistance to a damage type of his choice until he chooses a different one with this feature. Damage from magical weapons or silver weapons ignores this resistance.   Hurl Through Hell (1/Day). When Amii hits a creature with an attack, he instantly transport the target through the lower planes. The creature disappears and hurtles through a nightmare landscape. At the end of Amii's next turn, the target returns to the space it previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. If the target is not a fiend, it takes 10D10 psychic damage as it reels from its horrific experience.


Multiattack. Amii makes three attacks with his Eldritch Blast.   Eldritch Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range 120ft., one target. Hit: 1D10+5 force damage.   The Ruby Rod (Green-Flame Blade and Shillelagh). Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1D8+7 bludgeoning damage plus 2D8 fire damage and 2D8+5 fire damage to one different creature within 5ft. of the target. Additionally, when Amii hits a creature with this attack, he can choose to instead affect the target with the spell inflict wounds (at 2nd-level). Once he uses this trait, he can't do so again until he finishes a short rest.   Ghostly Gaze (Recharges on a Short Rest). Amii gains the ability to see through solid objects to a range of 30 feet. This special sight lasts for 1 minute or until his concentration ends (as if he was concentrating on a spell). During that time, he perceives objects as ghostly, transparent images.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Amii has a missing tail, which he lost prior to being revived by Asmodeus. This was presumably docked by Bovrik. He has a scar around his right bicep, where his arm was regenerated, and slight lines around the base of each horn in a similar fashion. Finally, a large, diagonal scar exists in the middle of his chest where he was stabbed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amii's history is much shorter than many would expect, but what he has done with that time has been profound. Amii woke up in the burning ruins of a town in the northern Menagerie Hills, with a scar in his chest, his tail gone and the symbol of Asmodeus seared into his arm. Upon realising the pact he with The Lord of the Hells, he travelled to Auchendow to see what he could do in his new master's name.   A couple of chance encounters with members of The Shadowmasters put Amii on their radar and when he left to travel north, they suggest he look for work in Newport. Amii joined an adventuring party (including Baran, of the Wildfire, Enna Goldpetal, Punk and Shaman, of the Lake Tribe) and while on their travels continued to pursue a lead the guild had for him. acquiring   revolutionist

Gender Identity

Male (he/him)


Amii identifies as bisexual, but rarely acts on his sexuality, only doing so when there is an opportunity for personal gain.

Intellectual Characteristics

Amii is a master manipulator. Behind his soft smile lies the mind of someone who believes they are destined for greatness. Everything he does is in service to Asmodeus, and he truly believes he will be rewarded for his piety. He revels in the opportunity to manipulator others and observe conflicts between others, especially the ones he causes. If he sees someone who he perceived as strong show any form of weakness, he will punish them for it by making their situation worse.    Despite this, Amii does have a firm set of morals. He will not kill an innocent person, unless it is absolutely necessary, and he will protect those who he views as too weak to defend themselves, like children or animals. To him, they do not have the ability to be strong and so should not be chastised for that lack of strength, but rather pitied.


Amii is deeply embarrassed by the loss of his tail, and does not appreciate it when people mention it. Those who do usually find themselves becoming his next target. He also takes poorly to any form of discrimination against tieflings. He finds it uncivilised and those who hold these views to be small-minded and in need of a lesson.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Amii is a great lover of two things outside of manipulating people, animals and red wine. He tries to have at least one glass every day, has has been known to get angry when he is notable to do so.   Despite Amii's love of wine, he has a strong dislike for drunkenness, both in himself and others. From his perspective, this is another example of people showing weakness when they shouldn't.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Executor - The Shadowmasters
Short Ponytail, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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