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Breena, the Demagogue

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Breena has a talent for getting her way. If she wants you to do something, you won;t just do it - you'll be sure it was your idea all along. Her students and collogues alike hang on her every word, and in front of a crowd, she's a powerhouse of charisma, enhancing her speeches with elegant swirls of ink magic. Though she's an elite mage who can easily hold her own in a fight, Breena prefers to defeat her foes with words alone.

Gender Identity

Female (she/her)


Classes Taught by Breena

  • SQ2a. Ink Magic (Arcana and Performance, DC 15).
  • SQ3a. Performance Studies (Athletics/Acrobatics and Performance, DC 17).
  • SQ4a. Leadership (Insight and Persuasion, DC 20).
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Magus - The Cloaks
Aligned Organization

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