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Chief, of the River Tribe

Chief, of the River Tribe CR: 10

Medium fey, lawful neutral
Armor Class: 13 (16 with mage armour)
Hit Points: 161 (36D8)
Speed: 30 ft


9 -1


16 +3


11 +0


11 +0


12 +1


18 +4

Saving Throws: Wisdom +5, Charisma +8
Skills: Arcana +4, Deception +8, Nature +4, Persuasion +8
Condition Immunities: Charmed
Senses: Darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 11
Languages: Common, Elvish and Giant
Challenge Rating: 10

Spellcasting. Chief's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma. She can innately cast the following spells (spell save DC 16), requiring no material components:

  • At Will: dancing lights, disguise self, mage armor (self only), mage hand, minor illusion, prestidigitation, speak with animals.
  • 1/Day each: charm person, dimension door, disguise self, hold monster, hex.

Eerie Token. As a bonus action, Chief can harmlessly remove a lock of her hair, one of her nails, or one of her teeth. This token is imbued with magic until she finishes a long rest. While the token is imbued this way, she can take these actions:

  • Telepathic Message. As an action, she can send a telepathic message to the creature holding or carrying the token, as long as she is within 10 miles of it. The message can contain up to twenty-five words.
  • Remote Viewing. If she is within 10 miles of the token, she can enter a trance as an action. The trance lasts for 1 minute, but it ends early if she dismisses it (no action required) or are incapacitated. During this trance, she can see and hear from the token as if she were located where it is. While she is using her senses at the token's location, she is blinded and deafened in regard to her own surroundings. When the trance ends, the token is harmlessly destroyed.
Once she creates a token using this feature, she can't do so again until you finish a long rest, at which point the missing part regrows.   Magic Resistance. Chief has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.


Multiattack. Chief uses Bewildering Word twice.   Bewildering Word. Chief utters a magical bewilderment, targeting one creature she can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or take 7D8 psychic damage and have disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of the her next turn.


Misty Escape (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). In response to taking damage, Chief turns invisible and teleports, along with any equipment she is wearing or carrying, up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space she can see. She remains invisible until the start of her next turn or until she attacks, makes a damage roll, or casts a spell.

Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
320 180 Years old
The River Tribe
Dark Brown
Very Long, Ginger
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White

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