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Material Characteristics

Covolt is a deep-metallic-blue metal with a dark-silver core. When 'charged', it emits subtle crackling and buzzing sound.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Weapons. As an action, the wielder of a covolt weapon can create an arc of lightning and fire it towards a single target. This attack has a 120ft. range and uses the wielder's regular attack bonus for the weapon. On a hit, the target takes 4D6 lightning damage. Once this trait has been used, it cannot but used again until the next dawn, or until the wielder suffers at least 24 lightning damage from a single source.   Armour. When a creature wearing armour made from covolt is struck with an attack within 60ft., if you have a clear line of sight on the attacker, the wearer can use their reaction, expending the stored electrical energy in the armour and send an arc of electricity towards them. The attacker must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. They take 2D10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half on a successful one. Once this trait has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn, or until the wearer suffers at least 20 lightning damage from a single source.   Lightning Rod. Covolt naturally attracts electrical energy. If you are required to make a saving throw against a spell or effect which causes lightning damage, you have disadvantage on the save.

History & Usage


Covolt was first created by storm giants some unknow number of years ago. Since then, weapons and armour made from the metal have been recovered by adventurers and now the dwarves and gnomes of Tordelvar (North) have managed to reverse engineer the creation of the alloy to make it themselves.


Trade & Market

Typically, covolt is used for weapons and armour, however there is also a market for it to be used as lightning rods in larger settlements.
Related Locations

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