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Material Characteristics

Drakesteel is a silver metal which appears flecked with glittering particles of the colour related to the origin of the dragon scales.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Armour and Shields. Medium/heavy armour (excluding hide) and shields can be forged from drakesteel. When they are, they have an additional property dependent on their variant.
  • Chromatic Variant. If it was a chromatic dragon which provided the scales for the alloy, the wearer can use their reaction to gain resistance to the damage type associated with the kind of dragon that provided the scales* when taking damage of that type.
  • Metallic Variant. If it was a metallic dragon which provided the scales for the alloy, when the wearer has to make a saving throw against being frightened, they can choose to have advantage on the roll.
  • Gem Variant. If it was a gem dragon which provided the scales for the alloy, the wearer can use their bonus action to magically teleport to an unoccupied space they can see within 60 feet.
Regardless of which trait the armour has, once it has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.   Weapons. Melee weapons and ammunition (chromatic variant only) can be forged from drakesteel. When they are, they have an additional property dependent on their variant.
  • Chromatic Variant. When a creature is hit with a weapon made from drakesteel, the weapon deals an additional 1D4 damage, the type of which is determined by the kind of dragon that provide the scales for the alloy.*
  • Metallic Variant. When a creature is hit with a weapon made from drakesteel they are subject to an additional affect. If the weapons deals bludgeoning damage, the wielder can force the target make a DC 13 Strength saving throw. If the target fails, they are pushed 20ft. away from you and knocked prone. If the weapon deals slashing or piercing damage, the wielder can force the target make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. If the target fails, they become incapacitated until the start of your next turn.
  • Gem Variant. As an action, a creature holding a weapon made from drakesteel gains the ability to speak telepathically to any creature they can see within 120 feet. The contacted creature does not need to share a language with the wielder, but must understand at least one language. A creature without telepathy can receive and respond to these telepathic messages, but can't initiate or terminate a telepathic conversation. This telepathy lasts for 1 hour.
Regardless of which trait the weapon has, once it has been used, it cannot be used again until the next dawn.   *Dragon Damage type Reference:
  • Black = Acid
  • Blue = Lightning
  • Green = Poison
  • Red = Fire
  • White = Cold

History & Usage


Draksteel is an invention of the dwarves of Tordelvar, who discovered it after experimenting with creating different metallic alloys.


Trade & Market

Drakesteel's uses so far have purely been for the purposes of combat. Due to the natural of the matials needed to create it, most notably the dragon scales, it is a very rare product and as such not many drakesteel products are available for purchase. Most are created as commissions.
+500GP and a set of matching dragon scales worth 500GP
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