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Moradin, the Allhammer

God of Creation


Moradin is the god of creation and patron of artisans. He carved the mountains from the primordial earth and is the guardian and protector of the hearth and the family. Dwarves from all walks of life follow him as well as various craftsmen, especially miners and smiths. He is also worshiped by those looking to make a lasting legacy in the world, whether it be through great works or great deeds.   Following his tenets, Moradin desires the people of Albion to strive for the highest standards of loyalty and fortitude. This can be demonstrated through something as complex as attempting to create something great and lasting or as simple as supporting their family. Moradin would also see his followers meet more aggressive adversity with a similar attitude, pushing back against any who would seek to destroy what his followers wish to endure.  

Tenets of The Allhammer

  • Meet adversity with stoicism and tenacity.
  • Demonstrate loyalty to your family, your clan, your leaders, and your people.
  • Strive to make a mark on the world, a lasting legacy. To make something that lasts is the highest good, whether you are a smith working at a forge or a ruler building a dynasty.

Piety Abilities

Moradin's Devotee

Piety 3+ Moradin trait
As a devotee of Moradin, you have drawn the notice of the creation god. You gain the ability to cast Shield of Faith with this trait, requiring no material components. Moradin's blessing manifests as a fiery, runic tattoo which covers most of your body. When you cast this spell this way, it does not require your concentration. You may cast this spell in this way a number of time equal to Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. In addition, you know the mending cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.  

Moradin's Votary

Piety 10+ Moradin trait
When you gain this trait, choose a tool you are proficient with other than forgery kit, theives' tools or poisoner's kit. The artisanal knowledge Moradin grants when you you gain this trait gives you advantage on all ability checks made with that tool.  

Moradin's Disciple

Piety 25+ Moradin trait
Moradin gifts you some of his ability to shape the land. You gain the ability to cast Stone Shape with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast this spell, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest. Strength is your spellcasting modifier for this spell.  

Champion of The Allhammer

Piety 50+ Moradin trait
You can increase your Strength or Intelligence score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.  


Maker's Day

Mordies 28th Frostform
A holiday started by dwarven artisans who follow Moradin, the Allhammer, which quickly became adopted across all of Concordia, Maker's Day is an event where people create things for their friends and families and gift them to each other. These gifts vary wildly in the different regions of Concordia, but can range from personalised wooden figurines and bespoke clothing to magic items. The purpose of the event is to show love and loyalty to the gift's receiver and develop and strong sense of community, in keeping with the tenets of The Allhammer.  


The Prime Millenia

During the birth of Albion, Moradin worked closely alongside to shape the world, forming its deepest trenches and tallest mountains. The pair also brought forth the first sentient life to the world, with Moradin bringing forth the dwarven races and introducing them to their mountain halls.  

The Age of Ascension

To Be Confirmed.   During The Aspect Wars, Moradin and his followers often came to blows with worshipers of Torog, who had carved his domain of The Underdark close to some of the greatest homes of the dwarves.  

The Post-Aspect Era (The Era of Restoration)

Since the end of The Aspect Wars, Moradin has rallied his followers towards the goal of enduring. Much he held dear was lost during the previous age and Moradin now seeks for what remains to be preserved and protected. He also desires his followers to go out into the world and make new marks on the world in whatever way they are able, creating new legacies to replace those which were lost.  


Places of Worship

  • All-Faith Abbey. A communal religious space in Caer Carden where worship towards The Allhammer can be observed and practiced.
  • The Brazing Hall. The largest church to The Allhammer In Concordia located in Tordelvar (North).
  • The Hall of Stone
  • The Sundry Hall. A communal religious space in Wesdale where worship towards The Allhammer can be observed and practiced.
  • The Tabernacle of Faith. A communal religious space in Newport where worship towards The Allhammer can be observed and practiced.
  • The Wayfinder's Sanctuary. A communal religious space in Mossgate where worship towards The Allhammer can be observed and practiced.

Notable Worshipers

  • Dain Stoneborn. The head of Clan Stoneborn, the ruling house of Tordlevar (North).
  • Faephina Tinkertoggle. The owner of The Heatwaker Foundry in Tordelvar (North).
  • Archbishop Horrus Bronzeguard. The highest-ranking member of the church of The Allhammer in Concordia and the bishop of The Brazing Hall in Tordelvar (North).
  • Priest Morana Ungart. The resident priest of The Allhammer at All-Faith Abbey in Caer Carden.
Divine Classification
Creator God
Lawful Good
Male (he/him)
Divine Domains
Forge, Knowledge, Order and War

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