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Willowdusk, Essence Seer

Mental characteristics

Personal history

No one knows how old Willodusk really is. The professor of growth claims to be older than Faerndaar itself, and although many suspect that she exaggerates, no one else who has lived long enough to refute her cares to do so. Many years ago, a group of rebellious students got lost in Detention Bog and took shelter in what turned out to be Willowdusk's roots. She protected them from a pack of hungry groffs and shepherded them back to Widdenshins Hall, offering a lecture on proper her-gathering practices during the journey.   Her lessons proved so effective that she was asked to stay as a professor. She loves passing on her Knowledge of medicinal herbs, pest mascot cultivation, and dissection techniques to generation of new students, and she almost always has a pot of tea brewing.


Classes Taught by Willowdusk

  • WB2c. Medicinal Herbs (Medicine and Survival, DC 15).
  • WB3c. Plant and Animal Cultivation (Animals Handling and Nature, DC 17).
  • WB4c. Exotic Ingredients (Nature and Survival, DC 20).
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Magus - The Cloaks
Female (she/her)
Aligned Organization

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