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The common image of a Troll is that of a foul, violent creature with little concern for other creatures or, indeed, the world at large. However, folklore does this race a great injustice. Trolls are large and varied hominids, whose skin colour and texture generally reflects the climate from which they originate. For example, those from the far north may have a smooth, pallid skin with coarse patches of hair while those that dwell in more temperate latitudes may have skin colours that tend towards a swamp green or a rock grey, again depending on their origin. Their mode of dress often reflects their deliberate and contemplative nature, e.g. multi-layered with many odds and ends attached, each with some significance to the Troll in question.    Trolls are extremely methodical in nature and can spend a long time considering many factors before acting upon a problem. This often leads to the misconception of low intelligence in these creatures. Trolls are also extremely sensitive to the nature that surrounds them and may often sit ‘communing with nature’ for long periods. This activity is thought to give rise to the myth of Trolls turning to stone in sunlight. A single Troll will have the same capacity for good and evil as any other being, but their size and their indifference to adversity gives them a better than average aptitude for martial skills and behaviour. Trolls are not necessarily averse to magic but it is undoubtedly true that Troll mages are very rare.   Minimum physical representation:
• Any non-natural skin colour through make-up or a good quality mask, generally reflecting the environment from which the Troll originates.
• Facial prosthetics, e.g. nose or heavy brow (but not horns) are advised as they greatly enhance the look of a troll.
• Troll costume should be big and bulky with a natural feel to it.
60 to 100 years

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