Mer de Eaux Mortes
Mer de Eaux Mortes spans from Atavis to the very edges of modern day Broceliande and is vast, untraversable sea black sea said to have another realm on the other side accessible via the Offing of Lumieres Morte.
Le Mer de Eaux Mortes runs into the Darkling Sea along its westernmost border at Estuaire Darkling, where the sea water mixes with the freshwater of River Littledark. The River Littledark then circles the city of Atavis before continuing up Heights of Atavis and finally spilling into the Darkling Falls, which in turn feed Littledark's currents.
Localized Phenomena
Despite the ancient superstition that the waters of Mer Mortes are black, Memoriam Inanimatam scholar Pèlerine Idonia Overmeire Lemesre Sauserous has empirically disproved this belief in her treatise Rapports du Phare en Voie de Disparition (Common trans. Reports from the Disappearing Lighthouse) detailing her expeditions to the very depths of Avalon's waters: Among Memoria Sauserous's findings were the discovery (in her own home city of Pelagia) that the waters of Mer Mortes black, the obsidian formations beneath it are. Sauserous also found large deposits of Il-Dath in the trench known as the Deep beneath its lowermost city of Fond Sans Lumière, the result of volcanogenic material cast off from neighboring Feall Síoraí
- The furthest Eastern boundary of Mer Mortes is Offing of Lumieres Morte, a location central to Ecclesia Cridhe's foundational beliefs.
- The Heights of Atavis overlooks Mer Mortes approximately 1000 vertical fathoms below.
Alternative Name(s)
Mer Mortes
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