
The magical disease that causes shocks to the heart is known as "Astracardia". It is a rare and deadly condition that has been plaguing the people of Eldin and nearby towns. The disease earned the nickname "Lightning Heart" due to the sudden and painful electrical shocks that patients experience in their chest. These shocks can be fatal and have claimed the lives of many people.   Astracardia was first identified in Eldin, where a small outbreak occurred several years ago. The town's healers were baffled by the disease, which seemed to have no cause and no known cure. It wasn't until the disease spread to consume almost half of the town that the Magisterium became involved and began investigating the cause.   The Magisterium's research has revealed that Astracardia is a magical disease, caused by an unknown magical source. The disease seems to affect people randomly, with no regard for age, gender, or social status. The symptoms include sudden and intense chest pain, shortness of breath, and a rapid heartbeat. These symptoms are often accompanied by electrical shocks to the heart, which can cause the patient to collapse or even die.   To date, there is no known cure for Astracardia. The Magisterium has been working tirelessly to find a way to treat the disease, but so far their efforts have been unsuccessful. Some healers have been able to ease the symptoms of Astracardia using magic, but this is only a temporary solution. The disease seems to be getting more widespread, and the Magisterium fears that it could become a pandemic if they don't find a cure soon.   The town of Eldin has been hit particularly hard by Astracardia, with many of its citizens falling ill or dying from the disease. The town's healers have been working around the clock to try and find a cure, but so far they have been unsuccessful. The town was quarantined in an attempt to stop the spread but this had not proved to bear any fruit so was subsequently evacuated.   Despite the grim outlook, there is still hope that a cure for Astracardia will be found. The Magisterium is pouring resources into researching the disease, and many healers and mages are working tirelessly to find a way to treat it. In the meantime, the people of Eldin and other affected towns are doing their best to cope with the disease, offering support and comfort to those who are sick and mourning the loss of those who have died.
Chronic, Acquired


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