Chronos Rain

A chronos rain is a rare and dangerous weather event that occurs in Sirkelen . It is a unique type of rain that has the ability to accelerate time on localised objects that are exposed to it. This means that living organisms, such as humans and plants, experience a rapid aging process, and non-living materials, such as buildings and vehicles, undergo rapid weathering. Bifrost   When a chronos rain occurs, it can be identified by a sudden drop in temperature and a thickening of the clouds. The rain that falls from these clouds appears to be a normal rain, but upon contact with living organisms and non-living materials, the accelerated aging process begins.   For humans, exposure to a chronos rain can be fatal. Those caught in the rain age rapidly, with symptoms ranging from wrinkles and grey hair to debilitating illnesses and death. Plants and crops are also affected by the rain, with leaves turning brown and wilting within a matter of hours.   The damage caused by a chronos rain is not limited to living organisms. Buildings and other structures are also affected, with materials such as wood and metal deteriorating at an alarming rate. There is still no known way to prevent or mitigate the damage caused by this dangerous weather event. Scientists, mages and researchers continue to study the phenomenon in hopes of finding a solution to this mysterious and deadly rain.


A swirling vortex of dark clouds manifests itself above the area as a faint aurora borealis shines through. The Timefall presents as regular rain and, if not identified by the clouds that precede it, is indistinguishable from a normal rainfall


Timefall has only been known to occur over Sirkelen in the forest of Myrkvidr.
Metaphysical, Divine


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