
Nestled in a picturesque woodland setting, the town of Drangavik exudes a sense of warmth and compassion that draws both locals and travellers alike. Initially taking root around the renowned The Rathian Inn , it has flourished into a vibrant community, rich with stories and a spirit of togetherness.   travellers   A ways down the road from the Rathian Inn stands Asleif's Orphanage , a sanctuary of hope and love for the young ones who have faced the hardships of life. The orphanage stands as a testament to the kindness and compassion of the people of Drangavik, providing shelter, education, and nurturing care to those who have been left without families. The children's laughter and playful spirits fill the air, reminding all who visit of the power of resilience and the transformative impact of love.   Surrounded by the natural beauty of the land, Drangavik enjoys a serene atmosphere. To the north, the prestigious Gallberdean Academy for Mystic Arts and Bellendar College for Martial Combat schools stand as beacons of knowledge and enlightenment, offering quality education to the aspiring minds of Albion's youth. These esteemed institutions serve as the pillars of intellectual growth, fostering a love for learning and nurturing the next generation of scholars, inventors, and leaders.   To the south of Drangavik lies the enigmatic Fenrir's Paw, a geological marvel that adds an air of mystique to the town's surroundings. This natural formation, resembling the pawprint of a mighty wolf, holds its own allure, attracting adventurers and curious souls who seek to explore its depths and unlock its secrets.   The townsfolk of Drangavik embody a spirit of camaraderie and unity. They celebrate their heritage and cultural traditions through vibrant festivals and events, filling the streets with music, dance, and joyful revelry. The scent of delectable cuisine wafts through the air, tempting passers-by with the flavours of the sea and the region's bountiful harvest.   Drangavik stands as a testament to the power of community, compassion, and the pursuit of knowledge. Its quaint streets, bustling with life and shared stories, create an inviting haven for all who seek refuge or wish to contribute to its vibrant tapestry. From the warmth of the The Rathian Inn  to the nurturing embrace of Asleif's Orphanage , the town of Drangavik weaves a tapestry of compassion, resilience, and the enduring spirit of Albion.


  • Half Elf 27%
  • Half Orc 17%
  • Human 43%
  • Tabaxi 13%

Industry & Trade

  • Sugar
  • Spices
  • Wheat
  • Ale
  • Mead
  • Baked Goods


The Rathian Inn - Built as a standalone business that encouraged the foundation of a town, the Inn has become somewhat of a hotspot for tourists.   Asleif's Orphanage - As one of Albion's oldest and only orphanages, Asleif's has become a building of historic renown due to it's age and architecture
Founding Date
Owning Organization


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