Headmaster Asriel Sorrow

Headmaster Asriel Dartanian Sorrow

Professor Asriel Sorrows is a distinguished elven scholar and the esteemed Headmaster of the renowned Gallberdean Academy for Mystic Arts in Albion. Born with a thirst for knowledge and a deep appreciation for the magical arts, he stands as a beacon of intellectual prowess and a champion of education.   As an alumnus of Gallberdean Academy, Professor Sorrows embodies the institution's rich legacy and profound values. Having walked the same hallowed halls as the current Grand Chancellor, Quintessa Scoresby, his journey from a student to a revered teacher and then to the helm of the academy exemplifies his unwavering commitment to the pursuit of knowledge and personal growth.   With a passion for education, Professor Sorrows tirelessly advocates for the betterment of the students under his care. Recognizing that education is the key to unlocking one's full potential, he understands the importance of providing resources, opportunities, and a nurturing environment for young minds to thrive. He is a firm believer in the transformative power of education and sees it as the cornerstone of a progressive and prosperous society.   Professor Sorrows' unwavering dedication is evident in his relentless pursuit of funding to enhance the academy's programs and infrastructure. His advocacy efforts are driven by his deep understanding of the impact that quality education can have on shaping the future of individuals and the nation as a whole. He collaborates with stakeholders, engages in strategic planning, and leverages his influential position to secure the necessary resources to create an environment that fosters creativity, intellectual curiosity, and magical mastery.   Beyond his administrative responsibilities, Professor Sorrows is renowned for his exceptional teaching abilities and his ability to inspire his students. His pedagogical approach combines profound knowledge, engaging lectures, and a genuine desire to see his students succeed. He cultivates a supportive and inclusive learning environment, encouraging students to explore their potential, take risks, and push the boundaries of their magical abilities.   While his commitment to education is unparalleled, Professor Sorrows remains a deeply compassionate and empathetic individual. He understands the importance of nurturing the whole person and instilling core values of integrity, empathy, and responsibility in his students. He takes a personal interest in their well-being, providing mentorship and guidance, ensuring that they are prepared not only academically but also emotionally and ethically for the challenges that lie ahead.   Professor Asriel Sorrows is a luminary figure in the realm of magical education, whose tireless dedication and impassioned advocacy have transformed Gallberdean Academy into a beacon of excellence. His leadership, pedagogical prowess, and unwavering commitment to his students' success have left an indelible mark on the academy and continue to shape the future of magical education in Albion.

Physical Description

Body Features

Asriel is a High Elf man standing tall at over 6 foot. He has fair skin and black hair tied back in a bun.

Special abilities

Asriel is a magic user and practises an array of arcane magics.
Current Location
Gallberdean Academy for Mystic Arts
View Character Profile
Date of Birth
26th of Faecrest 97BA
Current Residence
Gallberdean Academy for Mystic Arts
Black Bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Draconic
  • Dwarven
  • Elven
  • Gnomish
  • Infernal
  • Orcish