King Appolnar Tawnish

King Apollnar Snow Tawnish (a.k.a. The Just)

King Appolnar Tawnish, known as "The Just," was a ruler who epitomized fairness, integrity, and a strong sense of moral righteousness. Their ascension to the Jagged Throne as the tenth Lothric King came about through a series of events that would forever change the course of Lorian's history.   As a prominent member of the royal court during King Yhorm's reign, King Appolnar witnessed firsthand the growing discontentment among the people. Despite Yhorm's accomplishments in expanding Lorian's naval power, there were concerns about his autocratic rule and the perceived disregard for the principles of justice and equality.   Recognizing the need for change and sensing the opportunity to restore balance to the kingdom, King Appolnar began quietly amassing support among influential nobles, members of the Crownsguard, and the general populace. They gained a reputation as a champion of the people, someone who would prioritize the welfare and rights of the citizens above all else.   The turning point came when King Appolnar, with the backing of their loyal supporters, issued a formal challenge to King Yhorm's rule. The challenge was based on the grounds of a lack of justice and fair governance, appealing to the shared desire of the people for a ruler who would embody these principles. Knowing Yhorm to be a formidable opponent, King Appolnar played to their strengths of with and intelligence in what would soon become the first court of Lorian.   In a highly anticipated trial, King Appolnar and their allies presented compelling evidence and testimonials of Yhorm's abuses of power and disregard for the welfare of the kingdom. The trial garnered significant public attention, and the weight of the evidence swayed the court and the majority of the populace.   In a dramatic moment, King Yhorm was found guilty of numerous crimes against the kingdom and its people. He was subsequently removed from power, and King Appolnar Tawnish was unanimously chosen to succeed him as the tenth Lothric King. The transition of power was marked by a collective sigh of relief and a renewed sense of hope for a reign characterized by justice, fairness, and the well-being of all citizens. King Yhorm was sentenced to imprisonment for his crimes but ultimately escaped, commandeering a ship and sailing far from Lorian and it's Laws.   As the tenth Lothric King, King Appolnar Tawnish remained true to their moniker, "The Just." They implemented sweeping reforms to ensure equal access to justice, the protection of individual rights, and the establishment of checks and balances. Their reign was marked by transparency, accountability, and the restoration of faith in the monarchy as a symbol of fairness and ethical leadership.   King Appolnar's legacy endured long after their reign, serving as a reminder that a just ruler can bring about positive change and unite a kingdom under the banner of righteousness. Their name became synonymous with justice and the unwavering pursuit of what is right, solidifying their place among the most revered Lothric Kings in the history of Lorian.


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