King Yhorm Gundir

King Yhorm Ravenoe Gundir (a.k.a. The Giant)

King Yhorm Gundir, known as "The Giant," was a formidable figure in both stature and presence. Standing at an imposing height of almost 8 feet, he possessed a commanding presence that instilled both fear and respect in those who beheld him. Yhorm was a tiefling man with a hulking physique, further adding to his imposing nature. One of the defining moments of King Yhorm's reign was his engagement in a sea battle between his own mighty warship, the Halberd, and the royal vessel carrying the then-reigning monarch, King Carpea. With his tactical acumen and sheer physical strength, Yhorm led a daring boarding manoeuvre that resulted in the capture of the Diadem of Lorian, the symbol of the kingdom's power. Tragically, the confrontation led to the sinking of King Carpea's ship, resulting in the loss of their life and the lives of their crew. The Diadem also suffered damage in the fray, so on returning to Lorian, the crown was melted down and reforged.   Following his decisive victory, Yhorm ascended the Jagged Throne as the Ninth Lothric King. One of his notable contributions to the kingdom was his unwavering dedication to developing and maintaining a powerful royal navy. Recognizing the importance of maritime power, King Yhorm focused on expanding Lorian's naval capabilities, ensuring the kingdom's dominance over the seas and safeguarding its interests.   Under his rule, the royal navy flourished, with the acquisition of advanced warships, the implementation of strategic naval bases, and the establishment of a disciplined naval force. King Yhorm's efforts not only bolstered Lorian's defense capabilities but also facilitated trade and exploration, expanding the kingdom's influence beyond its borders.   Despite his prowess as a military leader, King Yhorm was not without his detractors. Some viewed his ascent to the throne through an act of aggression as a questionable means of acquiring power. However, his commitment to the development of the royal navy and his unwavering determination to protect Lorian's interests solidified his position as a respected and influential ruler.   King Yhorm Gundir, The Giant, left an enduring legacy in Lorian's history. His imposing presence and military accomplishments, particularly in the realm of naval power, marked a significant chapter in the kingdom's development. His reign laid the foundation for Lorian's maritime strength and secured its position as a dominant force on both land and sea.


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