
Rivia is a small hamlet nestled between the Ahtohallan River river and the dense forest of Myrkvidr in Albion. It is a quiet and peaceful place where the villagers lead a simple life. The main source of income for the villagers is hunting, as the forest of Myrkvidr is home to many wild animals such as deer, boars, and wolves. The hunters of Rivia are renowned for their skills and their ability to bring down even the most dangerous beasts.   The Witcher's Sword Tavern is the heart of Rivia, where villagers and travellers come to share stories over a pint of ale. The tavern is owned by a retired Witcher named Gyran who settled down in Rivia after his years of adventure. Gyran is a well-known figure in the town and is respected by all for his prowess with a sword and his knowledge of monsters.   The village itself is small, with only a few dozen homes scattered around the main square. The homes are modest but well-kept, with thatched roofs and wooden walls. There is a small chapel at the center of the village where the villagers gather on Sunday mornings to hear the sermon of the village priest.   The Ahtohallan river runs past Rivia, and its clear waters provide a source of fish for the villagers. The river is also used to transport goods and people to and from Fayrewel. The villagers have built a small dock by the river where boats can be moored.   Despite its small size, Rivia has seen its share of troubles. The forest of Myrkvidr is home to many dangerous creatures, and occasionally, a beast will wander too close to the village, causing panic and fear among the villagers. However, the hunters of Rivia have always managed to keep the village safe from harm.   Rivia is a place where time seems to stand still, and the simple life is cherished. The villagers may not have much, but they are content with what they have. Visitors to Rivia are always welcome, and the villagers are happy to share their stories and their ale with anyone who stops by.


  • Elf 26%
  • Faun 31%
  • Gnome 11%
  • Half Orc 13%
  • Human 19%

Industry & Trade

  • Iron
  • Steel
  • Cloth
  • Meats
  • Pelts
  • Hides/Furs
  • Berries
Founding Date
Owning Organization


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