Pumpkin Pie

Inspired by a recipe from the YouTube Channel Townsends, recipe for short crust from BBC Food and Written by James Woodwright
Pumpkin Pie is a desert primarily eaten during the festival of darkness on the winter solace, 21 December each year. Before the trade of spices from the island of Maharlika, it had been a herbal desert. Typically the pie can be purchased but there are always those who wish to have it made the way they like, so make it themselves.

Manufacturing process


1 - Combine the flour and butter, rubbing the butter into the flour and combine this until the pastry in the bowl is in a ball and it has cleaned the sides of the bowl.
2 - Taking this ball out roll it could to about 5mm thick and lay into one of the 23 cm pie dish. push the pasty so it touches the surfaces of the pie dish. Cut the excess off and then make thumb prints along the rim of the dish. Set this as side.
3 - Take the pumpkin and cut in half put in the other pie dish and put over fire and soften.
4 - Once softened take of the fire and peal of skin and and mash. Stick this pumpkin mash into the mixing bowl. Keep the pie dish that had the pumpkin to one side, we'll need it for later.
5 - Add the remaining ingredients to the mixing bowl and stir well.
6 - Add the filling to the pie dish that has the pastry in it. put the trivet near the fire and put the pie dish with the filling on the trivet. With the other pie dish put it over the top to make a capsule and using a fire shovel put hot coal on the pie dish.
7 - Wait until the pastry is golden brown and the filling is less liquid and more solid. Take of heat and wait to cool.
8 - Once cool cut and enjoy.
Appears in
The Artistocracy Chronicles Book 1
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Common on the 21 December for those who can afford it made or can make it themselves.
Base Price
1 Tusk 3 Horns for 2 Tusks 2 Horns.
Raw materials & Components
Equipment Needed
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Wooden Spoon
  • Rolling Pin
  • Knife
  • 2x 23 cm Pie Dish
  • Trivet


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