Animal Horde

This potent spell summons a number of animals to the priest. For each level of the priest, a number of animals totaling 10 hit dice appear.

The Power who grants the spell enables the priest to know exactly what types and numbers of animals are within the area of effect. The priest may specify the numbers of animals he wants; for instance, a 16th-level priest could summon 60 HD of wolves, 40 HD of bears, and 60 HD of wolverines. The animals will begin arriving in one round and will be assembled at the priest's location at the end of three turns.

The animals will not fight among each other even if they are natural enemies. Monsters (dragons, gorgons, hell hounds, etc.) cannot be summoned with this spell.

The summoned animals will aid the priest in any means of which they are capable. They will enter battle, protect the priest and his companions, or perform a specified mission until the priest dismisses them or the spell expires. During this time, the priest can automatically communicate with his animals.

At the end of the spell, the animals instinctively return to their lairs. For the first three turns after the spell expires, the animals will not attack the caster, his companions, or other summoned animals. After this time, the animals will behave normally.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Conjuration and Summoning (House Gaius)
Animal, Summoning


​1 day
Casting Time
​1 turn ​
Area of Effect
​10-mile radius ​
Saving Throw


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