
Azzuzir, Venerable Behir: AC I (wears a ring (ifl,mtl! Ction +3 on one talon MV IS; HO 14; hp 89; THACa 7; #AT 2 or 7; Omg 2d4/ld4+1 (bi te /constriction) or 2d4/1d6 x6 (bite/talons SA lightning bolt once every ten rounds for 24 points of damage (saving throw vs. breath weapon for half damage), constriction (can direct 61alon attacks against a constricted subject), swallows human-sized prey whol", on a natural attack roU of 20 (victim loses 1/6 of its starting hp total each round, dying by the end of the 6th round SO immune to electrical attacks and poison, +3 bonus on all s.wing throws (ring n/protecticlII +3 SZ G (SO' long MLchampion (15 Inl ,'I\"erage (10 AL NE; XP9,OOO. Int 13.


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