Bag of Holding

This is a common, cloth sack, about 2 by 4 feet. The bag of holding opens into a nondimensional space, and inside it is larger than the outside. No matter what is put into it, the bag always weighs a same amount. This weight, the bag's weight limit for contents, and the volume limits are determined by a percentile roll and consulting the table below:
If overloaded, or if sharp objects pierce it (from inside or outside), the bag can rupture and become useless. The contents are then lost forever in the vortices of nilspace.
Speed Factor
XP Value
XP Value/GP Value 501b: 1,000/5,000 100 lb: 2,000/10,000 150 lb: 3,000/15,000 200 lb: 4,000/20,000 250 lb: 5,000/25,000 500 lb: 7,500/37,500 1,0001b: 10,000/50,000 1,5001b: 12,500/65,200 2,0001b: 15,000/70,000
Item type


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