
Bagoorgoop, kuo--toan Captain (10th-level Fighter): AC -2 (sllie/d +2, Dexterity bonus MV 9, swim 18; HD 10; hp 72; THACO 11 (8 with Itnrpooll +2 and Strength bonus, 6 with long sword +2 and Strength bonus #AT 1; Omg ldS+8 (long sword +2. Strength bonus) or 2d6+8 + special (Itnrpotm afthe lightning +2. Strength bonus SA harpoon (see below SD lSO° field of vision (detects invisible, ethereal, and astral opponents). rarely surprised (l-in+l0 chance), immune to poison, paralysis, and illusions, unaffected by spells that affect only humans, demi+ humans, and humanoids, half damage from electricity, magic missiles cause 1 point of damage per dje, slick skin reduces all grab/grappJe/tie/web attempts to 25% chance of success, glue on shield traps opponent's weapon (25% chance SW suffer -2 penalty to saving throws against fire attacks, lighl causes a -1 penalty to attack rolls; S2 L(7X' tall ML fearless (19) due to insane fervor; lnt very (12 ALCE; XP 4,(XX). Str 18/00, Dex 17, Con 16. Bagoorgoop's magical harpoon has the usual chance to impale a target on a successful a ttack roll of 13+ (such a target is stunned for Id4 rounds and can be reeled in). In addition, it also generates a ball lightning blast for 4<16 damage (saving throw vs. wand for half damage) In a 10' radius whenH strikes.1his drains a charge (the weapon has 41 charges and is worth 3,000 XP). The harpoon can be used by a human or elf player character with a proficiency in the harpoon. spear, or javelin, but with a -3 penalty to attack rolls since it is designed for use by kuo-toa (the balance and grip are wrong for a human or eli wielder).lf the OM's campaign does not use weapon proficiency rules, this weapon is nol usable by Pes. 8agoorgoop's retinue comprises one Lieutenant (54 hpJ, two 4th/ 4th level Whips (30, 27 hpJ, and twelve ordinary kuo-toa (hp 12 x4, 11 x4, 10 x4).


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