
Balrat, 4th-level Thief: AC 3 (leather armor, Dex· terity bonus, ring a/protection +1 MY 12; hp 15; mACa 19 (17 with bow and Dexterity bonus # AT 1 or 2; Dmg Id8+2 (bastard sword + 1, Strength bonus) or ld6 (short bow SA +4 to attack rolls and double damage on backstab; SD Hide in Shadows (55%), Move Silently (60% ML 20 (potioll of dam;· tlation ALCEj XP 270. Str 16, Dex 18. Balrat has a potion ojlu:nlillg and a pair of ivory dke with blood· stone "pips", worth 250 gp for the pair, in a leather pouch on his belt. Balrat is 6' tall, of m.edium build, with greying black hair and brown eyes. He has a broken nose, and his front hvo upper teeth are missing.


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