
Basidironds are multi-stemmed fungoid monsters with woody, leathery bodies of orange color and upper portions looking much as if they were reversed umbrellas whose interior is sooty black.​   ​In combat the fungoid monsters lash forward with their cone-shaped caps.​   ​Cone Lash: A successful hit inflicts 2-8 points of damage and requires the victim to save versus poison or else have spores clogging its respiratory tract. A victim will smother from these growths in 2-5 rounds unless a cure disease (or its equivalent) is cast upon the individual.​   ​Hallucinatory Spores: Basidironds can otherwise use their hallucinatory spores, which they emit only when they are standing quietly. These spores form an invisible cloud in a radius of 20 ft. to 35 ft. from each fungus. The spores cause each creature within a cloud to save vs. poison or begin hallucinating. Hallucination lasts as long as the individual is within the cloud area and for 1-4 rounds after the victim leaves it. Typical hallucinatory perceptions and their effects on victims are: 1. Individual in a swamp; strips off armor to keep from sinking. 2. Spiders attacking; individual strikes/attacks floor area to kill them. 3. Individual has shrunk; shouts for help to return to normal size. 4. An item being held turns into a viper; individual drops it and leaps back to avoid strike. 5. Individual is suffocating; runs gasping in random directions to breathe. 6. Associates are diseased; individual avoids 50’ proximity of them. 7. Individual feels as though body melting; stands howling and “holding self together.” 8. Leech on back; individual tears off anything worn on back and attacks it.​   ​Basidironds have no minds as humans define/discern them, so all forms of mental attacks, including charm monster, hold monster, and spells, have no effect.​   Cold-based attacks do not damage basidironds, but they slow the monsters to 50% normal movement and prevent both types of spore attacks.​  
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