
​Shadow Lord, Isle of Dread​ ​Rediscovered (killed?) in the Keep of the Saga of the Shadow Lord Bernhart Thistledown was born to a civilized and well-to-do gnome family. Born on the 3rd day of the 4th month in the family home, He has an older brother an older sister, and a younger sister. No one knows what happened to his parents, so his mother’s parents raised Bernhart and his siblings. His maternal grandfather is a tailor of great skill but never was successful because of his extremely strange behavior, which scared off clientele. The strange behavior being he is a hypochondriac transvestite who was very fastidious. At least that's the way it seemed. The reality is that his grandparents had been cursed to switch genders, so his grandfather was really his grandmother. Bernhart developed a talent for hairdressing and cosmetics while helping his "grandfather". Bernhart now has a passion for styling / weaving hair. His family on the other hand had great plans for him, as a youth he was told he would be apprenticed to a famous jeweler. At the gnomish age of commitment, he was placed into the service of this jeweler and subsequently also learned how to be a thief. After several years of training under the jeweler's tutelage, the master was caught in a "sting" and Bernhart barely escaped going to jail. Thus ended his burgeoning career as a jeweler. Having to then rely on other skills, he joined the local thieves’ guild and applied his talents to burglary. One night, while he was burgling a traveler at an inn, his “victim” detected him. The man turned out to be a master illusionist. After Bernhart broke down in a tearful plea for his life, the illusionist took pity on him and made him his servant. Not long after that, his talent for illusions was recognized and the servant became the student. He still enjoys doing hair and has worked this passion into his professional repertoire as a "master of disguise". His run-in with the law has given him a phobia of being imprisoned and he will do ANYTHING to avoid being jailed. His glib tongue can get him in trouble more often than not. (If he fails a significant Glibness role and then fails a save vs. Wisdom he takes offense at the other characters behavior.) Basically he believes his own hype and can't understand why the other person is so dense. (See people that have offended BT Bernhart met Anandi while they were both traveling by ship to Ravens Bluff. Bernhart originally assisted Anandi’s manservant by “acquiring” funds to support Anandi’s lifestyle. He shortly thereafter realized the value of being supportive of patrician nobility and assumed the title "Herald of Anandi Goladhamindil, Watch-Warder of the Lower Isles." Anandi has note forbidden this claim and Bernhart often adds flourishes to the title to make Anandi and Himself seem more important than they really are. BT has a genuine affection for Anandi; He likes the chaotic nature of her magic and her temperament. He is concerned that she still acts a bit like a spoiled child but he figures she will grow out of it. Since she is nobility and he thinks she will eventually be a power to be reckoned with he will protect her as much as possible and use significant events to improve his position with her. She is his ticket to nobility. In Ravens Bluff Bernhart and Anandi hooked up with a bizarre group calling themselves the Defenders of the Virgin Princess. Bernhart had his doubts that the woman claiming to be the Princess was either, but the defenders believed her. After many misadventures Anandi and Bernhart decided to go their own way and while travelling to Anandi’s ancestral home they were set upon by a group of brigands. When all seemed lost Anandi’s magic chose that moment to go Wyld. They both fell into darkness, felt a sudden gooey-ness and fell in on Andrus hopelessly protecting the unconscious bodies of Descott, and Narie Bernhart and Anandi have started a new adventure. After a little confusion and disorientation they now realize they have been transported to another world/reality. They are on a different world and the rules of magic have changed. Bernhart's views of his new Companions: Cecile (Tyler)- a dark mage with a problem with intoxicants. Bernhart has taken to him as a drinking companion and has granted him the use of the ring of carousing. Narie (Eliza) - An elven cleric with clipped ears, who did not realize her heritage until both BT and Anandi, gave her a thorough examination. Through hair matching and searching for scarring we have proved her genetics as at least part elven. Because she has freely given her healing to both BT and Anandi, BT has given her his Rod of Smiting to use. A position of healer and Spiritual Advisor to Anandi could be considered. Andrus “The Bull” fka. “The Boar" fka "The Lout" fka "Peasant"(Nick)- A fighter unsure of his own skills but willing to stand and defend even in the worst situations. Through bravery in battle he has proven himself to Anandi and BT and through his mouth he has proven he is not the sharpest blade in the bunch. BT is considering him for the position of personal Guard for Anandi and/or Himself. Bernhart has taken to nicknaming and re-nicknaming Andrus. Right now he has been promoted to "The Bull" (Either because of his strength or because BT saw him nekked J ) Descott (Cory) - A Cavalier? Professional victim of charms and Pits until Bernhart's arrival. Descott is older than he looks (121) and less wise than he seems. Currently under a geas to recover the "Pearl Coffer” Certainly of nobility, he could prove to be a good Champion for Anandi at the end of this Anton Dagonhart (Jarrod) - A ranger of quiet grace and viscous temperament. Despises trolls and has a great respect for the power and intellect of mages. Anton has the Apollonian ingrained fear of crossing a magician and has deferred to the mages in most instances in spite of what might be his better judgement. Makris (Aaron) - Brother of Andrus and completely different in temperament. Bernhart already doesn't trust him, but he respects his intelligence and no nonsense approach. They are both thieves and have established a thieves trust of each other. (NOT!) The group has come to rely on BT's thieving skills and in combination with Anandi their magic is becoming formidable. Both BT and Anandi would like to see civilization on this world. Their company keeps insisting that this world is not as primitive as the flying dinosaurs give the appearance of.​


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