
Bilikant, iIlithjd Priest (7th level): AC 5; MV"I2; HD 8+4; hp 46; THACO 11; HAT 4; Dmg 2 hp + special (tentacles SA spells, spell-like powers, mi"d bltbl stuns all within area of effect (a cone 60' long and 5to 20' wide) for Jd-1 rounds except on a successful saving throw vs. rod/wand/staff, tentacles extract brain in 1d4 rounds (struggling target) or a single rowld (chnm,ed or incapacitated target SO :>pclls, speU-like powers, +4 bonus to saving throws \'s. mind-affecting spells (elmnll,fror, illusions, etc.) due to high Wisdom; MR 90%; SZ M (5'4" taU MLchampion (15 Int genius (18 AL LE; XP 11,000. WlS lB. Spells: conlflulIId, darblCS5 (x2), SllJIctuary (xl hold perS(m (x), resist cold, resISt fire; amlillllal darkness, dispel magic, elllotion colltror; mental domhtafioll", probability colltrol·. Special abilities: astral proJectiOll, charm mOllSter, cllarm persall, ESP, levitate, plane sJli/I, and Sllggestioll. The younger iIlithid wears a ring vf fire resistanet'; his blue-violet robes are worth 1,700 gpo


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