
Boltzolto, Fire Gi;mt Chie.ftain: AC -3 (fire giant bonded armor +2 HD ]5+5 hp; hp 101; THACO 5 (2 with twolumdt'd !WOrd +3 HAT 1; Dmg 2dl0+13 (giant-sized tu.>olIanded sword +3) or 2dlO (rocks SA hurl rocks; SD immune to nonmagical fire, heat, and red dragon breath, -1 point of damage per die from magical flame, catch rocks (500/., chance 52 H (18' tall ML fanatic (18 Int very (12 AL LE; XP 9,000.   Boltzolto may be aging and ill, but he is still a surpassingly strong giant and he fights mercilessly. [f he misses his stnke, he is consumed with a fit of coughing up blood, rendering him incapable of striking the next round. If he. son is slain, Boltzolto goes berserk, suffer- ing a penalty of +2 to his AC but adding +2 to attack rolls and +4 to his already massive damage total. If he berserks, he is 10% likely per round (cumulative) to suffer a massive aneurysm: blood pours from his mouth and the giant faUs twitching to the ground, dead.


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