Bone Golem
Bone Golem: AC 0; ~v 12; HO 1-1; hp 70; THACO 7; #ยท\T 1; Dmg 3d8 (fis! SA hideous laugh (see below SD cannot be Turned. 95% likely to be mislaken for undead, half-daflldge trom edged and piercing weapons. immum' 10 most spells; SW 51U1tter inslantly destroys a bone golem if it folils its saving throw vs. spell, and even if it makes its save edged/piercing weapons henceforth do normal damage and blunt weapons double damage on the golem; SZ M (6' ta1l ML fearless (20 lnt non (0 ALN; XP 18.000. Once every three rounds, the bone golem may utter a hideous laugh. All who hear must make two saving throws vs. paralyzation. If one fails. then that character is paralyzed for 2d6 rounds. If both fail. then the charac4 ter is instantly slrickened dead with horror.
Special Advantages
Special Disadvantages