
Bupgopgoorg.. Pciest·King (12th·level Priest/14th· level Thief): AC - 2 (bnmu plate mail +2 and shield +2 MV 9, swim 18: hp 9], THACO 14 (11, 10, or9 with 101lg sward +2, +3 vs./tumaIl5, +4 vs. demihumam. and Strength bonus #AT 1; Dmg Id8+S, +6, or +7 (long sword +2, +3 us. humans, +4 t>s. demilumlfltl5 and Strength SA spells, thief skills (+4 to attack rolls and quintuple damage on backstabs SD spells, thief s.kills (Move Silently 60%, Hide in Shadows 60%), 1800 field of vISion (can detect invisible, ethereal, and astral creatures), rarely surprised (l-in·1O chance), immune to poison. paralysis, and illusions. unaffected by spells that affect only human, demihuman. and humanoid targets, hall damage from electricity. magic 1t1l~~lles cause a single poml of damage per die, immune 10 web. hold. and slow effects (ring offree actlOrl), glue on shield has 25% chance of trapping opponent's weapon; SW suffer-2 penalty to s.wing throws agairu.t fire attacks, ligM GlU.scs -1 penalty to attacks; SZ L (S' ML fearless (20 tnt high (13 AL NE; XP 9,000, Str 18, Con 16, Wis 18. Spells: calise fear (x2), command (x), darkness (x3 detect charm, /lold person (x3), know alignment (x2), sanctify·; cauSt' bli"dness (xl), COFltilllla/llarlrne;s (x2), I!rrtotiol/ COI/tro/·, pmyerj babble. dntXt lit'. divination, tongues; slay lit'lng, "pJkP stonN; !ipl.·ak U'lth mrmstm, stone teU. Special abilities: lightning stroke; also lou," or miSt' water, ice storm, and s!(IIItx>1 of fJl.S4lllity (each once per day). 1he King's superb platinum crown is set with aquamarint!S. pearls, and a diamond of exceptional !tize (total \'alue 11.000 gp). He also wears a rillg oj frrl' a(/llm and MS a scroll of wizard spells (scribed at 12th level) bearing improlJl!d mvisibl/ity. Melfs I11l11ute ml'll'Ors, IXlI.lfrtlorpll ollzer. suggestion, i"lnd wall of iron.


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