
Illithid   priests of Maanzecorian   Caranthazal, illithid Priest (11th IE-vel): Slats as above, but Caranthazal has AC 2 (see below), HO 8+9, 52 hp, and Wis 18 (for a +4 s.wing throw bonus). His spells arc callupoll IfII'"-, commal/d, curse, darkness (x3), Sllllc'lIary; enlm chaos .... draw UPOll holy lIIig"'-, mthral/, Ilold perSOIl (xl). momen''''; cOlltillllal dark1/~~ (xl), cmotioll (Olltro/o (xl), rigid 1II1I1killg-; body cloc/(>, dook of fror,/n't' actioll, melltal domillatiOIl-; mindshllttt'r·, Irllt' sc~ill8; dls/Jtlief Caranthazal has gold bracers set with agates, moon· stones, and bloodstones; Ihese are bracers oflit/ense AC 2. He also has a pouch of fine gems, worth 5,200 gp in tota\.


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