Caryatid Column

The caryatid column is a beautiful and wondrous construct. Before activation, it looks like the classical architectural work it is named for, standing about 7 feet tall, and resembling a finely carved pillar in the shape of a beautiful young girl. Close examination reveals that the maiden has a slender sword in her left hand, but there is no indication that the column is anything other than what it appears to be. Once constructed and animated, it is usually assigned to keep watch over a valuable object or special places. It does so, remaining motionless, until its preset activation conditions are triggered (these depend on the creator’s instructions). As soon as this happens, the column moves to take action against those who have triggered it.   When activated, the caryatid column undergoes a stunning and swift transformation. The smooth, grey stone that was once its skin changes hue to become light or dark flesh tones (depending on the nature of the carving), the eyes come alive with a gleaming white light, and the thin blade transforms into a fine weapon of gleaming steel.   In combat, the column lashes out with its gleaming sword, causing 2d4 points of damage with each hit. The column’s magical nature gives it a +4 bonus to saving throws, and all nonmagical weapons inflict only half damage. Magical weapons inflict full damage, but do not receive the magical bonus normally due them. For example, a long sword +2 does not gain its +2 bonus, but inflicts normal long sword damage.   There is a 25% chance that a weapon shatters when it successfully strikes a caryatid column. This chance is reduced by 5% for each plus of the weapon. Thus, a sword +2 has only a 15% chance of breaking. A magical weapon with no attack bonus is considered a +1 weapon when checking for shattering.   A stone to flesh, transmute rock to mud, or stone shape spell destroys the column instantly if it fails its saving throw.   When a caryatid column has completed its task, it returns to its waiting position and reverts to stone. If it is killed in combat, it (and its sword) reverts to stone for 2d6 rounds, at the end of which time it crumbles into dust.

Alignment: TN
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Intelligence: Non  
Treasure: Nil
Diet: None
# Appearing:
XP Value: 420
Mvmt: 6
Size: M (7’ tall)
Morale: Fearless (19-20)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Hit Dice

5 (22 hp)

Base THAC0:



Armor Class


Magic Resistance: Nil

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks

Attack Forms



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