Castle of the Cloud Giant

The path has led northwest through the mountains. After some miles the path turns due east. At length you see before you two smaller mountain peaks where the path ends. Between them, nestled in a narrow pass, is a castle consisting of one, tall tower. Off in the distance the cold crisp air is broken by the haunting howl of a wolf.

The howl is that of a Dire Wolf, one of the cloud giant's pets. The creature has seen the pany from the cover of the rocks, north of the roadway. The howl warns the cloud giant of intruders.

As the characters draw within 250' of the castle the cloud giant will walk onto the parapets of the castle and watch the approaching characters. If they approach within 200', he will hurl rocks at them at the rate of one per round. If the party is disguised as Dark Lancers the giant will continue this barrage until the characters reach the castle gate if the group is not in lancer guise, the giant will hurl a maximum of four rocks, and then stop and disappear into the tower.

Leaving the Castle

If the group refrains from doing mischief in the castle, Azor will show them a secret goat path that will lead them safely to the village of Geron (see Chapter Two). The path is free of wandering monsters and provides a discreet entrance into the village, from its west side. Without the advice of the giant there is only a base chance of 20% to find the goat path - add 5% for every elf in the party. Azor will also offer them food and iron rations. However, if characters show any ill will to the giant or his pets, he will order them to leave his castle at once or suffer his fury.



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