
The most common type of priest is the cleric. The cleric is a religious leader or teacher. Clerics work for the Gods of Evil (Baatu, Du'Makh, H'rod) or the Gods of Good (Balera, Caelym, Volora).

Clerics can also be followers of the Olde Faith, rejecting the current Gods and sending their devotions directly to Palanos or Al Vingaar. There are no clerics of Tsu-Tao, they are Druids.

Clerics of the Gods of Good are typically members of The Church of Palanos.

Clerics of the Gods of Evil become subordinates of whatever organization is most prudent.

Priest Magic


Standard clerics, being reluctant to shed blood or spread violence, are allowed to use only blunt, bludgeoning weapons.


They can wear any type of armor and use any shield.

Followers & Strongholds

8th level, the cleric automatically attracts a fanatically loyal group of believers, provided the character has established a place of worship of significant size.

The cleric can build this place of worship at any time during his career, but he does not attract believers until he reaches 8th level.

These followers are normal warriors, 0-level soldiers, ready to fight for the cleric's cause.

The cleric attracts 20 to 200 of these followers; they arrive over a period of several weeks. After the initial followers assemble, no new followers trickle in to fill the ranks of those who have fallen in service.

The DM decides the exact number and types of followers attracted by the cleric. The character can hire other troops as needed, but these are not as loyal as his followers.

At 9th level, the cleric may receive official approval to establish a religious stronghold, be it a fortified abbey or a secluded convent. Obviously, the stronghold must contain all the trappings of a place of worship and must be dedicated to the service of the cleric's cause.

The construction cost of the stronghold is half the normal price, since the work has official sanction and much of the labor is donated.

The cleric can hold property and build a stronghold any time before reaching 9th level, but this is done without church sanction and does not receive the benefits described above.


They can use a fair number of magical items including priest scrolls, most potions and rings, some wands and rods, staves, armor, shields, and magical versions of any weapons allowed by their order.

A cleric has major access to every sphere of influence except the plant, animal, weather, and elemental spheres (he has minor access to the elemental spheres and cannot cast spells of the other three spheres).

The cleric receives his spells as insight directly from his god(s), as a sign of and reward for his faith, so he must take care not to abuse his power lest it be taken away as punishment.

The cleric is also granted power over undead - evil creatures that exist in a form of non-life, neither dead nor alive. The cleric is charged with defeating these mockeries of life. His ability to Turn Undead enables him to drive away these creatures or destroy them utterly. Some of the more common undead creatures are ghosts, zombies, skeletons, ghouls, and mummies. Vampires and liches (undead sorcerers) are two of the most powerful undead.


Initial Funds

3d6x10 (once the priest has bought their equipment, they must return all the remaining funds to their organization except for d3 gp)

Hit Die Type


Ability Requirements

Wisdom 9, Prime Req. Wisdom

Races Allowed


Alignment Restrictions


Major Sphere Access

Access to all spheres

Minor Sphere Access

Access to all spheres


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