
Crystenna, 7th-level Wizard: AC 5 (roIx! of protrctWlI +2, Dexterity bonus MY 12; hp 33; THACO 18 (16 with dagger +3 and Strength penalty HAT 1; Omg ld4+3 (dagger +3 AL NE; XP 2,OOlStr 7, Dex 17. Con 16, Int 18. Wis 6, Cha 14. Spells: chanll person, dl'ted "Ul~ic, magic mis::.ile, sllidd; /llur, itwisibility, Melfs acid «rrUll}; dispel /tIagic, lighllllUg 11011; .~tOlleskm (already cast). erystenna wears lurid purple and silver robes; she is a vain redhead further away from her youth thun she likes to think. She has fW/Ids of 'wgnlioll (13 charges) and ilIlISIOII (12 charges) and a scroll with the spells dimension door and P01.vllto'1,/t OIlier. both scribed alII th level. She carries only four pearls in., small belt pouch (value l,(X)J gp each). She has a slol/eskill spell running.


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