
Cyvrand, human Priest (]2th level): AC 0 (plale mnil +3, no shield MV 12; hp 60; THACO 14 (11 with rod oj smitil/g /tAT 1; Omg Id8+3 (rod ofsmifillg, 16 charges SAspeUs; SO spells; SZ M (6' ML fanatic (18 At NE; XP 8,000. Str 15, Dex 10, Con ]5, Int II, Wis 18, Cha 16. Spells: bless, command, calise fear, curse, darkness (x3), sanctuary; 'Iold ptrsall (x2), resist fire, mist cold, sil~lct 15' radllls (x2), lIryuf'rrI walch; UlulI/ate dead (xl), continual darklless (x2), dispel magic, prayer; calise Sl'TiOflS wounds, fru actioll, poison, spell immullity; jlame strike, trut ~i"g; colIJllre ul/illlals, Itnrm. Cy\'rand is 6' tall, saturnine and scowling. He wears rmgs of regelleration and till! ram, has polions of eXIra-healing and Vitality, and a sih"ered flask with six applicaHons of oil of impact. He also wears a rosy coral rll'Cklace of adaptation and a necklace of missiles with one 9 HO missile, two 7 HD missiles, and two 5 HO missiles. He always cames several scrolls of spells with him, scribed at 12th level: Ill'Ul;free actioll, dispel good; plant sllift (x4 lIold perS(J/I,fire seeds, sptak wltll mOllsters. His black silk robes are worth 3,000 gp (if not filcballed, etc.), and hi:. fin~ ruby signet ring is worth 5,400 gpo Note that Cyvrand should be a priest of the same death cult (Cyric/NerulJ/Thanatos) the Pes have long dealt with, and hi~ spell list may need d\anging accordingly.


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