Derro Savant

Savant derro are sage-like, able to use any sort of magical item and weapon. Savants know d4+5 of the following spells, learned at random: Affect Normal Fires, Antimagic Shell, Blink, Cloudkill, ESP, Hypnotic Pattern, Ice Storm, Invisibility, Levitate, Light, Lightning Bolt, Minor Creation, paralyzation, Repulsion, Shadow Magic, Spider Climb, Ventriloquism, Wall of Fog, Wall of Force. Savants have 5-8 Hit Dice, and carry two or three useful magical items. Typical magical items are any potion, any scroll, rings of fire resistance, invisibility, protection, and spell storing, any wand, studded leather armor +1, shields, weapons up to +3, Bracers of Defense, Brooches of Shielding, Cloaks of Protection, and so on. Savants can instinctively Comprehend Languages and Read Magic (as the spells).

Savants are also capable of acting as sages in one to three areas of study. Derro raiding parties’ missions are often inspired by a savant’s research.

Student savants know only 1-3 spells, have 4-7 Hit Dice, know only one field of study, and typically have one minor magical item. They are otherwise identical to their savant teachers.

  Derro Savant: AC 2 (Derro scale, Dexterity bonus MV 9; liD 7; hp 36; TI-IACO 13; NAT 1; Dmg Idol -+- special (hook-fuuchard SA spclls, hook-f.1Uchard has 25% of tripping or unbalancing opponent on a successful hit (1 round to recovl'r SO spells; MR 3()'}'u; SZS (4' ML steady (12 Int genius (18 ALeE; XP 4,000. Spells: affect nomwl fires, blink, ice stan", invisibility, lroitlile, wall of fog. Special abilities: comprehend langllagcs, rrod magic, sagecraft. Dcx 18.   Savants (2): AC 2 (heavy Derro scalt:'!, Dexterity bonu~ MV 9; HD 7; hp 39. 30; THACO 13; HAT 1; Omg 1d-l + special (hook-fauchard SA spells, hook-fauchard has 25~/" chance of tripping opponent; SO spells; MR 30%; SZ S (4' ML steady (12 Int genius (17 AL CE; XP 4.000 each. Spells, lSi savant: blink, ESP, hypnotic palfem, invisibility, ligllt, mil/or ereatioll. ;;Imdow magiC'. Spells. 2nd savant: bliuk, clo"dWl, hypnotic pattern, lig/ltlling boll, repll/~ ioll, :-;/mdow magic, spider climb. Special abilities: COIIIpre/ ll!lId langllages. read magic. sagecra flo Dex 17. The fir:<.t carries a U'alld of I'0lymorpllillg with 12 charges. and the second has a rrng of spell 5torillg with the following spells: blillk, lightnillK bolt, s1,ider climb. Each of these savants ha-; a pearl-set personal jewelry item worth 2,000 gpo Savants (2): AC 0 (151 savant. heavy Derro scale. robe of proft'CtiOll +2, Dexterity bonus) or 2 (2nd .s..want heavy Derro scale, Dexterity bonus MV 9; HD 6; hpJO, 28; THACa 15; HAT I; Dmg ld4 + special (hook-/auchard SA spells, hook-fauchard has 25"1" chance of tripping opponcnt;SO spells; \-1R F-o; SZS (4' ML steady (12 lnt exceptional (15, 16 AL CE; XP 3,000 each. Spells, lsi savant. affed IUmtmlfiJ'f.'S. alllI-mngic &11'11, eSP,levitate, liglJtlllllg bolt. minorr;reolioll. SpcUs, 2nd Sin-ani: ice ~tcmll. illt''vifate.ligllt, l'i'IItriloqllisl/I, rmll afforce. Special abilities: compreltend lallgl<ages. rL'tJd magic, sage-craft. Dex. 17. Each of these Sil\·ants has a personal jL'Welry ih!m worth 2,OCO gp. Student Savants (2): AC 3 (Derro scale, b uckler. Dexterity bonus MV 9; HD 5; hp 36; THACO 15; HAT 1; Dmg 1d4 + special (hook-fauchard SA spells. hookfaucha rd has 25% chance of tripping opponent; SO spells; MR 30%; SZ S (4' ML steady (12 lnt exceptional (15 AL CE; XP 1,400 each. Spells, 1st student: blink. hypnotic pattern. Spells, 2nd student ice stornl, invisibility. Special abilities: compreitelld Ilmguagt'S, "{ld magic, minor sagecraft. Dex 16. Each h.1s a j~w~lry item worth 700 gpo   Illithid trained derro savant AC 3 (Deno scale, Dexterity bonus MV 9; HO 8; hp 48; THACO 13; HAT 1; Omg Id4 + special (hook-fauchard SA spells, hook-fauchard has 2.'i% chance of tripping opponent; SO spells; MR 30%; SZ S (4' ML fearless (20 lnt genius (17 AL CE; XP 4,000. Dex 17 Special abilities: comprehelld la"~lIagcs, dct«t magic, sagocraft.   Most Savants have access to any (or all) of these spells: Blink, Hypnotic Pattern, Ice Storm, Invisibility, Levitate, Minor Creation, and Wall of Fog, Affect Normal Fires, ESP, Lightning Bolt, Repulsion, Spider Climb, Ventriloquism and Wall of Stone. charm paso". iet ~torm, magiC IIIlssl/e, polymorph OllleT, ray of mfoeblenllml, IJ.'Q/l of firt. and wall of force. clumn ,wllls/er (x2), hypllotic pattern, im'l:;ibilify, jump.Uglltmng bolt, and shadow magic clUlrm person, hold person, ;,misibility, magic mIssile. ice storm, and polymorph ollrt·r blink, c/olldkill, ESP, light, repulsion, and wall offog c1oudkif/, hypnotic pat· tml, ia storm, levitate, lightning bolt, and slradufU magic affrct "0""0/ fires, cJUlrm mOllstt'r, "old monster, ice storm, levilatt', lightni"g bolt, and {VIlli of fire   Derro Savant illithid trained Spells: Blink, Dispel Magic, Invisibility, Lightning Bolt, Magic Missile, Mirror Image, and Wall of Fog.   Savant Derro have the following default slats: AC 2 (heavy Derro scale, Dexterity bonus MV 9; HD 7; THACO 13; HAT 1; Dmg Id4 + special (hookfauchard SA spells, hook-fauchard has 25% chance of tripping opponent on a successful attack (1 round to recover SD spells, immune to fear and plmntas+ mnl killer, +2 bonus to saving throws against mindaffecting spells (sleep, charm, hold person, etc. SW insane, 25% chance of hallucinating, successful IntelIigence check required to cast each spell, opponents gain +2 bonus to saving throws against the insane savant's spells; MR 3<J<'/o; SZ S (4' tall ML steady (12 Int genius (17 ALCE; XP 3,500 (reduced because of handicaps). Dex 17. Spells are listed individually.   (OM choiCE' or roll IdlO, multiples are possible): detl'CI i1ll1isibility,jireLIQI/, iet s/on/!, Iigl!tni'lg boIt, mQgic missile, mirror inuJge, slllldow magiC, slow, stinking elOlld, ulfb.   The Sil,·anl in area Sa has 27 hp and knows the spells blink, c/(ljjdk,ll, ESP, ICC slorm, I/Ivisibilily, Iigl!tn;lIg bolt, slow.   ESP, Irypn() li( put/I'm. iroi/a/t', minor creation, repul5'ioll, 5'lrndaw magic, woll of fog.  
Special Advantages
Special Disadvantages
Also Known As
Government Type
Known Strongholds
Known Clans
Known Alliances
Trade Expertise
Ability Score Adjustments
Languages Spoken
Racial Enmities
Life Expectancy


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