Dimensional Blade

This spell makes a single weapon incredibly sharp by reducing one of its physical dimensions to an infinitesimal measurement. The dimensional blade can slash through matter with as much effort as it takes to wave a stick through the air. Even stone and iron can be carved to pieces with ease. The spell can be cast on almost any hand‑held slashing (type S) weapon, as well as a few thrown weapons of this type, such as the chakram, shuriken, or a hand axe.

Against creatures, the dimensional blade ignores any portion of Armor Class derived from armor itself; only magical and Dexterity adjustments affect the opponent’s AC. For example, a warrior inchain mail +2 with a Dexterity of 17 is normally AC 0, but against the dimensional blade he only applies the 3‑point adjustment for Dexterity and the 2‑point magical adjustment, for a total AC of 5. Creatures wearing purely magical armor (such as bracers of defense) may keep the full magical adjustment. Monsters with thick or toughened hides, such as dragons, may lose part of the Armor Class at the DM’s discretion. The weapon gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls in any event, but the wielder ignores any Strength‑based combat adjustments - muscle power doesn’t help the blade at all.

The dimensional blade is also quite effective against inanimate objects. Any object with a diameter or thickness smaller than the blade’s length must make a saving throw vs. disintegration when struck, or be cleanly severed in twain. Larger objects can be sawed through or sliced away at the rate of about 5 cubic feet per round. It’s dangerous to attempt to disarm a dimensional blade; the weapon used must make an item saving throw vs. disintegration or be destroyed.

Finally, the blade is also effective against phased or ethereal creatures since part of its existence is forced into the Ethereal Plane. If the wielder has some way to detect creatures concealed in this way, the blade can strike and affect them normally, but without the power to negate Armor Class or other combat bonuses.

Type of Magic
Spell Level
Artiface, Dimensions, Invocation

Material, Somatic, Verbal

The wizard must touch the weapon to be affected by the spell, but afterward anyone may wield it. The material component for this spell is a razor‑thin shard of glass.

1 round/level ​
Casting Time
Area of Effect
​1 object ​
Saving Throw


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