Drax Tallen

Cap. city of Essuria (New Denagoth) in Appollonia.
Drax Tallen Level I - The Catacombs

The vertical shaft from area #70 opens in the catacombs at the point marked on the map. The shaft has iron ladder rings fixed into the rock. A careful descent should bring the PCs safely into the tunnel below.

South of this spot is a pile of rubble that blocks the way to the southern reaches of the catacombs. At one time this was a secret way to the bastion (areas #90-100) from the Royal Hall. It no longer serves this purpose.

  Level III

Since returning to Drax Tallen the Wraith Lord has set about renovating work and now some of the chambers in this level serve purposes other than tombs. There are no living things on this level, since this is the realm of undead creatures. Check for random encounters on this level, thrice per night.


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