Duke Dagoorg

Dagoorg (10th-level Priest/Uth-Ievel ThieO: AC-l (oil of armoring, shield MY 9, swim 18; hp 63; THACO 11 (7 with sllort sword +3 and Strength bonus #AT 1; Dmg IdS + special (pi/lcer-staff of bleedmg) or Id6+4 (slrorl sword +3, Strength bonus SA thief skills (+4 attack bonus and quadruple damage on backstabs), spells, pincer-staff (traps target on successful attack roll SD spells, thief skills (Move Silently 60''J." Hide in Shadows 60%), 18C)<' field of vision. (can detect invisible, etherea l, and astral creatures), rarely surprised (l-in-lO chanO!), immune to poison, paralysis, and illusions, UClaffected by spells that affect only humans, demihumans, and humanoids, electricity causes half damage and magic missill:s a Single point of damage per missile, skin secretions reduce grapple/grab/ tie/web attempts to 25% chance of success, glue on shield has 25% chance of trapping opponent's weapon; SW suffer -2 to saving throws against fire attacks, ligllt causes -1 penalty to attacks; SZ L (7' MLchampion (16 Int high (13 AL NE; XP 6,000. Str 17, WlS 18. Spells: command (x2), Cllrse (x2), darhles5 (x2 d/!ted ellann, hold persotl (x2), knowalignme/lt (x2), SilIlCtify*; CDuse blifldllt.'SS (x2), loalfe object, prayer; cloak offenr, detecllie, divination, tongut's,flome strike (x2). Special abilities: light/lillg stroke; also mist or lower waIn', ice storm, and symbol of insanity (each once per day). Dagoorg wears fme pearl-set ritual regal.ia (value 5,000 gp) and has a flask with eight applications of oil Ilf armorillg +4. Thb oil can be appl.ied to bare skin or to leather or hide armor in one round and confers a -4 bonus to AC (and to saving throws, where appropriate) for 4d4 rounds; it does not work in conjunction with metallic armors. If the Dukes are attacked in their halls, Dagoorg will give doses of this oil to the others, if possible. His pincer-staff of bleeding pierces a victim in its grasp by many sharp, fine metal needles for ldS points of automatiC' bk>eding damage per round while held fum in the staff's grip.


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