Duke Hurlgaboorg

Hurlgaboorg (10th-level Priest/12th-level ThieO: As above, but Hurlgaboorg has AC 3 (shield), 51 hit paints, THACO 11 (8 with his long SlIXJrd +2 and Strensth bonus), and the following spells: darkness (x3), Jaerie fire, remove fear (x2 chant, detect c"arm, hold person (x2), spirillialhammer (x2 calise bli"dne55, cause deafness, cause disease, emotioPl cOlllrol-, prayer; babble, reflecti"g pool, qUl'IIcll fire (x2 flame ~Irike, spike stones. He has an ordinary pincerstaif and a long sword +2. His ritual regalia are likewise worth 5,000 gpo Hidden carefully in a belt pouch is a silvered nask which contains two doses of a potioll of extm-Ilealing. This is admixed with a fishy oil so that if a non- kuo-toan drinks it, th~ healing Mfect works but the creature must make a Constitution check or be violently sick (movement halved, -4 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution) for Id4+4 rounds thereafter.


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