Duke Kugloogoop

Kugloogoop (lOth-level Priest/12th-level Thief As above, but this Duke has AC 2 (shield, Dexterity bonus), 66 hit points, and THACO 11 (9 with spear +1 and Strength bonus, S with dagger +2 and Strength bonus). He has an ordinary pincer staff, a jeweled dagger +2 and a spenr +1 which casts darkllL'Ss on command and can cnuse seriolls wolmds by touch thrice per day. This weapon is not intelligent, but it is evil and any good-aligned PC holding it suffers IdS points of damage per round. Its special functions only operate for evil creatures. Kugloogoop has the same regalia as U'l' others, a potiOIl of illvisibility with two doses remaining, and a scroll of wizard spells (globe of iI/vulnerability, proteclion from good /0' radius, slow, spectral force) scribed at 14th level. As a 12th-level thier, he can employ this scroll, but he only does so as a last resort given the malfunction chance.


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