Enigma Force

​The "Enigma" or the "Enigma Force" is the most rudimentry understanding people in Alcirya had of the power that flows from the Old Gods." As the human race developed, the people began to tap into and have an understanding for forces that were greater than themselves. For many, it was simply beyond their understanding and it led to confusion, so it was ignored. For others, it was perplexing and they sought to understand and control it through use of the Spellcrux and arcane study - later it became "magic." Lastly, for some, it became a connection with the divine, a well spring of power that was beyond their complete control but, through faith, became something they could shape.​ ​Overtime, those that connected with the Enigma Force, began to explain and develop their understanding of the Enigma. Rituals were created. Deities were discovered (or evolved). Faith groups were established. Thus, the Faith Orders we know today came into being, over two thousand years. ​ ​As the various Orders rose to power, so did conflict. Those that saw the universe from diametrically opposing viewpoints acted out to subvert the practice and growth of the other Orders. Small conflicts grew. Large battles ensued and chaos reigned. Reviling the destruction that was sown by these "people of faith" those that studied it, the Mages, began to shun and then exile those that caused such conflict in an effort to preserve society. As the problem worsened, more draconian laws were put into place by those in power. Civil war erupted, Appollonia was torn asunder and the land as it is known now was born - Appollonia to the East, Xanthios to the West, and various independant provinces throughout. ​ ​Those that are followers of the "Enigma" are not beholding to the separation of faith magic and arcane magic. They see the world as it is, permeated with great wonders and powers that are too often beyond their understanding. Some "Enigmatics," those that call themselves true believers, even see no seperation between darkness and light - they consider it all as facets of creation. Others, however, have acquiesed to some mortal construct of the universe and recognize the authority of Palanos, Al-Vingaar, and Tsu-Tao, but they resist the more articulated belief structures (they would see their divisions as petty and factionalized - creating strife where none is needed). Enigmatics resist ritualization and organization to their belief structure. Instead, they evangelize through stories and proverbs hoping that their instigation will stir the spirit and open others to accept it.​ ​While no followers of the Enigma still remain in Alcriya, those that are the spiritual inheritors of the Enigma Force are the followers of Tsu-Tao and Psions. The Druids of Tsu-Tao feel the energy of the universe (the Enigma) and seek to create mnore opportunites for it to thrive naturally, the essence of Tsu-Tao's care of the natural world. Psions are those that have, form birth, become attuned to the Enigma, sense its power and can act with and upon it.​


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