
Erdlus are large flightless, featherless birds covered with flaky scales that range in color from pale gray to deep red. An erdlu can weigh as much as 200 pounds and grow to a height of 7 feet. Its massive, round body has a pair of useless wings that fold in at its sides. A snakelike neck rises to a small round head with a huge, wedge-shaped beak. A pair of powerful, lanky legs extend down from the body and end in four-toed, razor-clawed feet.
  Erdlus make ideal herd animals because of their temperaments and ability to survive on a variety of foods. They can eat many forms of tough vegetation, as well as snakes, reptiles, and insects. The eggs that erdlus provide are an excellent source of nutrition. A diet of erdlu eggs can keep a human or demihuman alive for months at a time, for the eggs are packed with a variety of nutrients and essential vitamins. If an erdlu egg is eaten raw, it is a substitute for one gallon of water. However, this substitution isn’t perfect and can only be used successfully for no more than one week. The meat of an erdlu also makes an excellent meal.
  In groups, erdlus instinctively flock together for protection. If threatened, these creatures usually flee. For short distances of no more than half a mile, erdlus can race along at great speeds (movement rate 18). Their normal walking pace is much slower (movement rate 12). When escape isn’t possible, the flock turns and fights as a group. They strike first with sharp beaks (inflicting 1d6 points of damage) then rake with one of their claws (causing 1d4 points of damage).
  The hard scales of an erdlu’s wings can be fashioned into shields or even armor (with an AC of 6), its beak can be used to make fine spearheads, and its claws can be crafted into daggers or tools.


Alignment: TN
Organization: Flock
Activity Cycle: Day
Intelligence: Animal (1)
Treasure: Nil
Diet: Omnivore
# Appearing:
XP Value: 65
Mvmt: 12
Size: M (7’ tall)
Morale: Ave. (8-10)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Hit Dice


Base THAC0:



Armor Class


Magic Resistance: Nil

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks

Attack Forms

Martial Art Style(s):

Spells and Psionics:

Disciplines: | mTHACO | mAC

Campaign Notes:


NPCs, followers, pets, mounts, etc.



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