
Farayenel, elven 6th~level Fighter/6th·levei Mage: AC 0 (c!tail/mail +2, no shield, Dexterity bonus MV 12; hp 33; THACa 14 (11 with s/lOrt sword +2 and elven bonus, 9 with sllort ball' +2 plus Dexterity and elvcn bonuses or with the sllar! ~,oord vs. a good~ aligned opponent #AT lor 2; Omg Id6+3 or+5 (sltart sword +2, +4 vs. goo.1-aligned creatures, Strength bonus) or Id6+3 + special (:;lIort b(!U! +2, Strength bonus, venom SA spells, + 1 attack bonus with short bow and short sword; SD spells, 90% resis~ tance to sleep and charm; AL CE; XP 2,000. Str ]6, Oex 17, Can 15, Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 12. Spells: bunr~ illg IJallds, detect magic, magk mis:>ile, sleep; mirror image, lI.'fb; dispel magic, fireball. Fal'ayenei is a broad~ shouldered gTay elf with a permanenl half~ deranged grin on her face. She has a scroll of the spells Melts acid arrow, Melrs mi,wte metl!Ors, and millor gfobf of i'JT'llfrl/;~rQbIWy (scribed at lith level), and her quiver of arrows includes six which arc coated with paralyzing \'enom (save \'s. poison or be p<lralyzed for ld4+4 turns, after an onset time of ld4+ 1 rounds). She wears a gold nec.kchain set with pc.ridots and bloodstones (value 1,300 gp) and has 200 pp and SOO gp In a bcJt-pouch.


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