Figurine of Wondrous Power: Ivory Goats

There are several kinds of figurines of wondrous power. Each appears to be a tiny statuette of an animal an inch or so high. When the figurine is thrown down and a command word spoken, it becomes a living animal of normal size (except where noted below). The animal obeys and serves its owner.

If a figurine of wondrous power is broken or destroyed in its statuette form, it is forever ruined, all magic is lost-it has no power.

If slain in animal form, the figurine simply reverts to a statuette and can be used again at a later time. When a figurine is first found, roll percentile dice and consult the table below to determine the type of animal the figurine becomes:

Ivory Goat: These always come in threes. Each goat of this trio looks slightly different from the others, and each has a different function:

The Goat of Traveling: This statuette provides a speedy and enduring mount of Armor Class 6, with 24 hit points and two attacks (horns) for d8 each (consider as a 4-Hit Die monster). Its movement rate is 48, bearing 280 pounds or less. Its movement is reduced by one for every additional 14 pounds of weight carried. The goat can travel a maximum of one day each week - continuously or in any combination of periods totaling 24 hours. At this point, or when the command word is uttered, it returns to its small form for not less than one day before it can again be used. After three uses, the goat loses its magical abilities forever.

The Goat of Travail: When commanded, this statuette becomes an enormous creature, larger than a bull, with sharp hooves (2d4+2/2d4+2), a vicious bite (2d4), and a pair of wicked horns of exceptional size (2d6/2d6). If it is charging to attack, it may only use its horns, but +6 damage is added to each hit on that round (2d6+6 hit points damage per horn). It is Armor Class 0, has 96 hit points, and attacks as a 16-Hit Die monster. It can be called to life just once a month up to 12 hours at a time. Its movement rate is 24. After three uses, the goat loses its magical abilities forever.

The Goat of Terror: When called upon with the proper command word, this statuette becomes like a destrier, movement rate 36, Armor Class 2, 48 hit points, and no attacks. However, its rider can employ the goat's horns as weapons (one horn as a spear +3, the other as a sword +6). When ridden against an opponent, the goat of terror radiates terror in a 30-foot radius, and any opponent in this radius must roll a successful saving throw vs. spell or lose 50% of strength and suffer at least a -3 penalty to attack rolls, all due to weakness caused by terror. When all opponents are slain, or upon the proper command, the goat returns to its statuette form. It can be used once every two weeks. After three uses, the goat loses its magical abilities forever.

Speed Factor
XP Value
See table.
Item type
Base Price
See table.


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