Gargoyle Golem

Gargoyle Golem The gargoyle golem is a stone construct designed to guard a given structure. It is roughly the same size and weight as a real gargoyle (6’ tall and 550 pounds). Although they have wings, they cannot fly. However, a gargoyle golem can leap great distances (up to 100 feet) and will often use this ability to drop down on enemies nearing any building the golem is protecting.   Gargoyle golems cannot speak or communicate in any way. When they move, the sound of grinding rock can be heard by anyone near them. In fact, it is often this noise that serves as a party’s first warning that something is amiss in an area.   Combat: When a gargoyle golem attacks in melee combat, it does so with its two clawed fists. Each fist must attack the same target and will inflict 3d6 points of damage. Anyone hit by both attacks must save versus petrification or be turned to stone. On the round after a gargoyle golem has petrified a victim, it will attack that same target again. Any hit scored by the golem against such a foe indicates that the stone body has shattered and cannot be resurrected. Reincarnation, on the other hand, is still a viable option.   Gargoyle golems are, like most golems, immune to almost every form of magical attack directed at them. They are, however, vulnerable to the effects of an earthquake spell. If such a spell is targeted directly at a gargoyle golem, it instantly shatters the creature without affecting the surrounding area. The lesser transmute rock to mud spell will inflict 2d10 points of damage to the creature while the reverse (transmute mud to rock) will heal a like amount of damage.   On the first round of any combat in which the gargoyle golem has not been identified for what it is, it has a good chance of gaining surprise (-2 on opponent surprise checks). Whenever a gargoyle golem attacks a character taken by surprise, it will leap onto that individual. The crushing weight of the creature delivers 4d10 points of damage and requires every object carried by that character in a vulnerable position (DM’s decision) to save vs. crushing blows or be destroyed. In the round that a gargoyle golem pounces on a character, it cannot attack with its fists.     Gargoyle Golems (2): AC 0; MV 9 and special (leap HD 15; hp 60 each; THACO 5; HAT 1 (leap) or2 (claws Omg 3d6/3d6 (claw / claw SA surprise (-2 penalty to opponents' surprise rolls), leap (can leap up to tOO' from perch. landing on tnrget ior <kilO points of damage and crushing any objects he or she carries, item saving throws YS, ~hing blow apply), petrific.ltion (anvone hit bv both claw attacks in the same round muSt sa,'e \·s: petrification orbe turned to stone, golem wlU attempt to shatter the stone the next round SO immune to sleep, dlllml, lto/d, and poison; SW IrflllS/llllte rock to mud inflicts 2dl0 points of damage on the gMgayle, ttlrtJlqllaKe shatters the creature without affecting its surroundings; SZ M (6' tall ~L fearless (20 Int non (0 ALN; XP 14,000 each.  
Special Advantages
Special Disadvantages
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Government Type
Known Strongholds
Known Clans
Known Alliances
Trade Expertise
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