Giant Weasel

Giant weasels are giant-sized versions of this species that, although similar in many respects to normal Weasels, are much more vicious and aggressive. Perhaps the most obvious difference is their tendency to live and hunt in packs. They attack men as often as any other prey and are relentless adversaries.

When a giant weasel bites, it locks its jaws onto its victim and refuses to let go. Instead, the weasel begins to suck the blood from its prey. Agents in the animal’s saliva not only prevent the victim’s blood from clotting, but actually promote the bleeding of the wound. The resulting blood loss is so rapid that it causes 2d6 points of damage per round. After the initial hit is scored, further rolls to inflict damage are not required.

When the lair of a pack of giant weasels is found, it often contains a minimum of four animals. There are young equal to the number of adults in the lair; the young are from 10% to 80% grown. They attack just as the adults would, inflicting damage appropriate to their degree of growth. If taken before they are half-grown, there is a 25% chance that giant weasels can be trained to serve as hunting or guard animals.

The pelts of giant weasels are valuable, as are those of their smaller cousins, and an intact one can fetch from 1,000 to 6,000 gold pieces on the open market. As a general rule, the most valuable pelts are those of the northern species, which are wholly white in color, or those of the rare black weasels.

Alignment: TN
Organization: Pack
Activity Cycle: Night
Intelligence: Animal (1)
Treasure: Nil
Diet: Carnivore
# Appearing:
XP Value: 175
Mvmt: 15
Size: M (7’ or less)
Morale: Ave. (8-10)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Hit Dice


Base THAC0:



Armor Class


Magic Resistance: Nil

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks

Attack Forms



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