Goblins of the Ring

The goblins are, indeed, blue. At least, their faces are painted with the extract of a lichen plant in the cave. They also have tattoos on their foreheads with the same design as the ring their shaman wears (give the players Player Handout 6 when they see this design). These goblins are stupefyingly cowardly. They have not even dared to raid farmsteads, though they have made off with the odd lamb now and again by furtively prowling around the very edges of farmland at night. They eat anything they can get: lambs, rabbits, rats, carrion, turnips, moss, grass, mold-anything.     Goblins (32): AC 6 (males: studded leather and shield) or 10 (females MY 6; HD 1-1; hp 6 (x7),5 «7).4 (x7). 3 (x4). 2 (x7 THACO 20; nAT 1; Dmg Id6 (goblin war axe, club, short sword, or spear S2 S; ML unsteady (6 Int average (10 AL LEi XP 15 each. Grundlegek, goblin Leader: AC 5 (scale mail and shield MY 6; HD 2; hp 14; THACO 19; nAT 1; Dmg Id6+2 (short sword +1, Strength bonus 52 5 (4'2" ML average (10 lnt average (10 AL LE; XP 35. 51>"16. Burukkleyet, goblin Shaman (2nd level): AC 6 (hides MV 6; hp 10; THACO 19; nAT 1; Dmg ld6 (goblin battle axe SA spells; SD spells; 52 5 (3'4" ML steady (ll AL LE; XP 65. Spells: command,fear, slli1lelagll). The shaman has a unique magical ring, described below; this has no combat effects. Burukkleyet is an unusually smart goblin (lntelligence 13), and prudent as weU (Wisdom 13). The young are not combatants.


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