
Googlaboorp, 10lh-Ievel Priest: AC 2 (ring a/protection +2 MV 9, swim 18; hp 60; THACO 11 (7 with two-handed trident '1'-3 and Strength bonus #AT 1; Omg IdS+5 (tlllo-hauded tridellt +30/ gia,,! lobster commalld and Strength bonus SA spells; SO spells, +2 to saving throws due to ring a/protection, 180° field of vision (can detect invisible, ethereal. and astral creahires), rarely surprised, immune to poison, paralysis, illusions, and spells that affect only humans, demihumans, and humanoids, half damage from electricity, nl1Jgic missiles cause 1 poil'lt of damage per die, slick skin causes grapple/grab/tie/web attempts to have only a 25% chance of success; SW -2 to saving throws against fire attacks, light cause-s -1 penalty to attacks; SZ L (8' tall ML fanatic (17 tnt high (14 AL NE; XP 6,000. Str 17, Wis 18. Spells: Cilllse fear (x2), commalld (x2), curse, darkness; detect c1rarm, IlOld persall (x2), know aligmnenl, obscurement, sanctify"; continual dar/mcss (x2), prayer; detf'Cf lie, dlvinatiotl, tonguf!S; slay livillg, transmute mild to rock. Special abilities: IiglltlIing stroke; also raise or lower runter, ice storm, and symbolo/ insanity (each once per day). The priest wears a silver neckchain with platinum pendants depicting a lobster head and two claws, each pendant set with a superb black pearl (total value 16,000 gp).


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