Grand Savant's Tower

Important: This is the culmination of the entire campaign. This is a desperately tough location. The DM should not pull punches here; monsters fight with the utmost ruthlessness and to the death. The morale of all hostile creatures encountered here is magically raised to 20. The tower levels at this tower cannot be entered until the PCs have reduced the MFU totals of the magical spheres in each of the four peripheral Great Towers to 25 or below. Until this is done, an impenetrable Wall of Force which cannot be dispelled bars entry.

Ceiling heights in the tower chambers here are 40 feet, save for area 25b. The total height of the edifice is 200 feet, making it easily the most imposing building in all the city. The exterior is spectacularly (and eerily) decorated, with superb spiraling, arabesque, and fluted decoration. Map 30.25 on Mapsheet 6 shows the tower layout. Unlike the other towers, it is raised so that the floor of the first level is just above water level, making this the only one of the Great Towers without water-filled rooms.

Savant Aboleth who have escaped from the other Great Towers will have fled here and should be added to the defenders in Chambers 25a and 25b. Once this tower is breached by the PCs, all Aboleth of the city will flock here to defend it and destroy intruders! The PCs may have to fight their way through with hordes of Aboleth and enslaved creatures pursuing them. They had better have a magical escape route to hand, or they may well be sandwiched in and slain (especially if they do not realize that they cannot breach the tower top without having reduced peripheral Great Tower MFU totals to zero).


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