Greater Basilisk

The greater basilisk is a larger cousin of the more common reptilian horror, the Ordinary Basilisk. These monsters are typically used to guard treasure.

The monster attacks by raising its upper body, striking with sharp claws, and biting with its toothy maw.

Poison: The claws carry a Type K Poison (saving throws vs. poison are made with a +4 bonus).

Breath Weapon: Its foul breath is also poisonous, and all creatures, coming within 5 feet of its mouth, even if just for a moment, must roll successful saving throws vs. poison (with a +2 bonus) or die (check each round of exposure).

Gaze: These reptilian monsters all posses a gaze that enables them to turn any fleshy creature to stone; their gaze extends into the Astral and Ethereal planes. In the Astral Plane its gaze kills; in the Ethereal Plane it turns victims into ethereal stone. These will only be seen by those in the Ethereal Plane or who can see ethereal objects. Even if a polished reflector is used under good lighting conditions, the chance for a greater basilisk to see its own gaze and become petrified is only 10%, unless the reflector is within 10 feet of the creature. (While its gaze weapon is effective to 50 feet, the creature’s oddly-shaped eyes are nearsighted and it cannot see its own gaze unless it is within 10 feet.)

Gaze Defense:

Even if a polished reflector is used under good lighting conditions, the chance for a greater basilisk to see its own gaze and become petrified is only 10%, unless the reflector is within 10 feet of the creature. (While its gaze weapon is effective to 50 feet, the creature’s oddly-shaped eyes are nearsighted and it cannot see its own gaze unless it is within 10 feet.)

Surprised only on a 1.

Also Known As
Government Type
None known.
Known Strongholds
None known.
Known Clans
None known.
None known.
Known Alliances
None known.
Trade Expertise
None known.
Ability Score Adjustments
None known.
Languages Spoken
None known.
Racial Enmities
None known.
Life Expectancy

Alignment: TN
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Day
Intelligence: Low (5-7)
Treasure: H
Diet: Carnivore
# Appearing:
XP Value: 7,000
Mvmt: 6
Size: L (12’ long)
Morale: Champion (15-16)
Spoken Languages and Dialects

Hit Dice


Base THAC0:



Armor Class


Magic Resistance: Nil

Armor Notes:

Number of Attacks

Attack Forms



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